Top Ten Methods to Unban Websites

Top Ten Methods to Unban Websites

Every day we can face the same situation. . We can be at work or visit our classes and then come across the problem when someone blocked access to our favorite web site.

We could use the proxy to reform it? But today administrators block the new one as fast as it appeares. To get around firewalls and other network blocks we can use another ways

Top 10 Ways To Access Blocked Websites:

1. Use an IP Address - Using an IP address is the fastest and easiest way for getting around access restrictions based on domain name.
2. Use Google Cache - If getting the web site's very latest content isn't crucial for you, Google cache is your best bet.
3. Use an Anonymizer - An anonymizer allows you to gain access to a third-party site. The third-party site then reroutes your request to the server you need to access.
4. Use Online Translation Tools. When you use this method, the translation service becomes your web proxy.
5. Use Google Mobile Search - Using Google mobile search will be familiar to anyone who's used a web proxy. While Google mobile search does work, it may not always produce ideal results.
6. Use a Public Proxy Server - You can find any number of free proxy servers out there on the internet. But be aware that if you do want to give this a try, you'll first need to adjust the internet connection settings in your preferred browser (Internet Explorer, for example).
7. Access Web Pages By E-mail - This can be a great technique if all you're looking for is a single web page. This method's biggest drawback is that it doesn't offer access to larger files.
8. Use Tor Distributed Proxy - Tor, which can be found on the internet at tor. eff. org, is a sophisticated proxy server which makes use of multiple anonymous servers for each web request it receives.
9. Create Your Own Proxy Server - It will come as no surprise that the most sophisticated method may bring you the best results. You can create your own proxy server and host it from your own home, or get hosting through a service provider. What's more, having your own proxy server will allow you to activate SSL encryption, and also make sure that no one can spy on your content.
10. Use Alternate Content Providers - If you've tried every other method, and nothing seems to work, then an alternate service provider may be a last resort. A good example is Gmail: if your access to Gmail has been blocked at a certain location, simply set up another e-mail address with a less well-known site, and configure Gmail to forward your e-mails to the new address.
-- About the Author Recommended links for unblocking sites: free and fast anonymous web-proxy and high anonymous proxy servers list.